16th IP5 Heads of Office meeting, 15 June 2023

The 16th annual meeting of the IP5 Heads was hosted by the USPTO in Honolulu, Hawaii. Meeting in-person for the first time since the pandemic, the IP5 Heads of Office took stock of progress in their joint initiatives and acknowledged the importance of innovation in providing solutions toward achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.  The Heads of Offices agreed to undertake further work to promote IP and inclusive innovation, and to continue work on simplifying and increasing the efficiency of the international patent system. To memorialize the IP5 Offices’ commitment to sustainability, a new vision statement was adopted.  At the meeting, the IP5 Offices discussed office-led initiatives and programs in the IP5 jurisdictions on climate-related innovations. These initiatives were compiled in a “Climate Initiatives Booklet” which enabled the Offices to identify areas of convergence. The Heads of Office meeting was preceded by an in-person meeting of the IP5 Heads and IP5 Industry on 14 June.

Press Release

Joint Statement

Vision Statement

Climate Initiatives Booklet

Collection of existing materials on the examination practices of the IP5 Offices on AI-related inventions (plus Annex)


English (GB)