On 21 May 2015, the fourth meeting between the IP5 Heads of Office and IP5 Industry took place in Suzhou, People's Republic of China.
Topics and presentations included:
Updates from the IP5 Offices
- Recent developments at the EPO (presented by the EPO)
- Status report (presented by the JPO)
- Recent developments at KIPO (presented by KIPO)
- Updates on recent policies of SIPO (presented by SIPO)
- Latest updates of WIPO (presented by WIPO)
Presentations of the IP5 Industry Associations
- Activities of the American Intellectual Property Law Association (presented by AIPLA)
- Introduction - BUSINESSEUROPE (presented by BUSINESSEUROPE)
- Introduction - Intellectual Property Owners Association (presented by IPO)
- JIPA's activities towards patent system harmonization (presented by JIPA)
- Introduction - Korea Intellectual Property Association (presented by KINPA)
Work-sharing and Quality
- Report on IP5 Quality Management Meeting (presented by SIPO)
- EPO PPH status report (presented by the EPO)
- Status report - PPH activities (JPO) (presented by the JPO)
- Current status of PPH at KIPO (presented by KIPO)
- Patent Prosecution Highway - SIPO status report (presented by SIPO)
- Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) - status report (presented by the USPTO)
- Common PPH Request Form and its implementation (presented by SIPO)
- Work-sharing in the unpublished phase (presented by the EPO)
- Collaborative Search Program (CSP) (presented by KIPO)
- Next steps for the IP5 PPH: Using the Global Dossier (presented by AIPLA)
- Common PPH Request Form and its implementation (presented by PPAC)
Global Dossier
- Public access to One Portal Dossier (OPD) (presented by the JPO)
- IP5 approach to GDTF 5 priorities (presented by the EPO)
- Global Dossier - Industry priorities (presented by BUSINESSEUROPE)
- Public access to OPD (presented by JIPA)
Patent Harmonization
- Unity of invention (presented by SIPO)
- Recent progress on citation of prior art (presented by KIPO)
- Latest progress on written description/sufficiency of disclosure (presented by the JPO)
- Interim report - Study of "unity of invention" (presented by JIPA)
- PHEP topics - Citation of prior art (presented by IPO)
- Citation of prior art (presented by KINPA)
- For the harmonization of description requirement (presented by JIPA)
A Brief on the Joint Statement on IP5 Cooperation (presented by SIPO)
Underlining the benefits IP5 cooperation had already delivered to users, the IP5 Heads signed a joint statement on IP5 cooperation agreeing to work together to further optimise their services to users and the public.