Meeting with IP5 Industry, June 2019, Incheon, Korea

On 12 June 2019, the IP5 Heads of Office met with IP5 Industry in Incheon, Korea, to update the industry representatives on recent developments at their respective offices and on IP5 initiatives such as the Global Dossier and the results of the work of the IP5 Patent Harmonization Expert Panel (PHEP). The IP5 Offices and IP5 Industry also engaged in a dialogue on IP topics of strategic nature, including new emerging technologies and artificial intelligence and the future focus and sustainability of IP5 co-operation.

Topics and presentations included:

Recent developments at the IP5 Offices and WIPO

Follow up from the Global Dossier Task Force (GDTF) and Industry Consultation Group (ICG) meeting

Report to Industry: follow up on 2018 strategic topics

Work of the Patent Harmonization Expert Panel (PHEP)

2019 strategic topics

Press release

2019 IP5 Joint Statement (Incheon)