17th IP5 Heads of Office meeting, 20 June 2024

The 17th meeting of the IP5 Heads of Office was hosted by KIPO in Seoul, Korea. The Offices reaffirmed their commitment to an inclusive and accessible IP system in support of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). At the meeting, the IP5 shared key initiatives and policies to support SMEs, micro-entities and start-ups in leveraging IP to grow. A report detailing these activities, as well as those from WIPO, will be made available on the IP5 website shortly. The IP5 Heads meeting was preceded by the meeting of the IP5 Heads and Industry, which took place in person on 19 June 2024.

Press Release

Joint Statement

Booklet on "The role of IP in fostering the growth of SMEs" (to follow)

Examination practices of the IP5 Offices on AI-related inventions

Inventorship of AI-related inventions